26 December, 2011

Nigeria...........Una strage di cristiani

Nigeria, Natale di sangue: bombe in tre chiese Una strage di cristiani

Tre attentati contro i cattolici. Secondo le prime stime le vittime sarebbero più di venti. La denuncia della Santa Sede: "Un odio cieco e assurdo che non ha alcun rispetto per la vita umana". Rivendicazione della setta islamica Boko Haram

di -
Natale di sangue in Nigeria. Tre bombe sono esplose, mentre si stava celebrando la messa del 25 dicembre, in tre diverse chiese della Nigeria. Una bomba è scoppiata nella chiesa di Santa Teresa nella capitale Abuja.
Ingrandisci immagine
Altre due esplosioni vicino Jos, in una zona centrale del Paese, e in una chiesa a Gadaka, nel Nord. Un massacro di cristiani. Secondo i primi soccorritori l'ordigno avrebbe provocato una strage: i morti e i feriti sarebbero alcune decine; aolmeno diciannove soltanto nella prima delle tre basiliche colpite dalle esplosioni, ma il bilancio è destinato a crescere. Il primo attentato sarebbe avvenuto nella chiesa di Santa Teresa, nel quartiere di Madala.

Il governo nigeriano conferma l'accaduto attraverso Yushau Shuaib, portavoce dell'agenzia nigeriana dei servizi di sicurezza, ma non fornisce dati precisi sull'entità della tragedia lanciando tuttavia un'allarme che rende l'idea dell'emergenza: non ci sarebbero abbastanza ambulanze in tutta la città per evacuare le vittime e i feriti. Nel corso della giornata i sospetti degli inquirenti sono stati confermati: dietro ad almeno una delle esplosioni ci sarebbe la mano di un gruppo islamico. La cellula Boko Haram ha rivendicato l'attentato di oggi contro una chiesa cristiana a Madalla, nei pressi di Abuja. Immediata la denuncia della Santa Sede che ha parlato attraverso il portavoce Franco Lombardi: "è purtroppo la manifestazione ancora una volta della crudeltà di un odio cieco e assurdo che non ha alcun rispetto per la vita umana e cerca di suscitare e alimentare altro odio e confusione". Sulla stessa linea anche il ministro degli Esteri Giulio Terzi: "L'Italia, da sempre in prima linea nella difesa della libertà di fede e nella promozione del dialogo e della tolleranza interreligiosi, continuerà ad assicurare il proprio massimo impegno, anche nel quadro dell'azione dell'Unione europea , affinchè in Nigeria come altrove i principi della convivenza interreligiosa e del rispetto della libertà di culto vengano rispettati e difesi attivamente".

19 December, 2011

Riti «voodoo» come passaporto per controllare i «nuovi schiavi»

 Gdf di La Spezia smantella organizzazione traffico esseri umani, 8 arresti
ultimo aggiornamento: 19 dicembre, ore 15:53
Genova - (Adnkronos) - L'organizzazione, che ha il vertice in Nigeria e ramificazioni in diversi stati africani ed europei, determinava periodicamente delle vere e proprie quote di persone da inviare in Europa. Per ottenere la fedeltà delle donne da avviare alla prostituzione in Italia, venivano praticati riti ''voodoo'', con l'effetto di creare una forma di sudditanza psicologica, integrata anche da minacce di morte nei confronti loro e dei familiari (Video)

10 December, 2011

Un intervento chirurgico l'ha salvata da una grave cardiopatia

Sigeoma, dalla Nigeria a Palermo per ritrovare la vita

Palermo (TMNews) - Ha occhi tristi ma riconoscenti, un sorriso appena accennato, le mani giunte, l'espressione di leggero imbarazzo. Sigeoma ha 19 anni, è nigeriana ed è nata con una grave malformazione cardiaca. Ora sta bene, la sua vita non è più in pericolo grazie a un gruppo di volontari dell'Associazione Solaria di Palermo, che l'ha fatta venire in Italia a proprie spese affinché potesse essere sottoposta a un delicato intervento chirurgico all'Ismett, centro sanitario all'avanguardia, come spiega Giacomo Vernengo, pediatra dell'associazione. Il caso di Sigeoma è il quarto a essere risolto grazie al programma di medicina umanitaria dell'associazione siciliana. La mancanza di fondi ha fatto tramontare l'ipotesi di creare una struttura sanitaria nei Paesi interessati, rendendo necessaria una diversa forma di assistenza. Sigeoma ha ripreso a camminare e a mangiare normalmente anche se il cibo italiano non le piace tanto. Presto tornerà in Nigeria dove per un po' sarà tenuta sotto controllo da un'equipe medica locale.


29 November, 2011

Ondo Socialite Ade Fayeun aka Ade Basket Wanted ...

Ondo Socialite Ade Fayeun aka Ade Basket Wanted ...

Nov 11, 2011 – Ondo Socialite Ade Fayeun aka Ade Basket Declared Wanted For Sex Assault
Do you remember the story of a man called Ade Fayeun popularly known as Ade Basket who brutally battered 2 girls in Ondo state after sexual encounter with them stating they stole his money.
He has been declared wanted for sex assault and theft over N9,000.
The street character with political influence had on Friday October 21 2011 ordered his followers to strip four girls to their skin and made them parade naked around a couple of streets in the state capital, Akure.
According to a source ‘the victims pictures were severally taken by passers by and participants with camera phones in the course of this abuse’
Some of the pictures have phone their way onto the internet courtesy of Ade’s aides- while others have become one of the most passed around on phones in that part of the world.
The girls were alleged to have stolen N9000 from him when he slept with them over night in an hotel room.
He meted out the treatment to the four girls when he claimed he couldn’t find the money where he kept it- and pain staking search of the girl couldn’t unearth the missing sum.
After the treatment that resulted in the girls also suffering a couple of slaps and kicks- one of the victims, Miss Dayo Richards wrote a petition tagged ‘Complaint of assault, inhuman and degrading treatment done to me by one Mr. Ade Fayeun (aka Ade Basket)’ to the commissioner of police, Ondo State.
Informants claimed that the police ‘arrested’ Ade Basket on the strength of this petition but just like he allegedly boasted when ‘dealing with the girls, he used his influence to get himself out of the hook’
Ade Basket became popular in the state as a political muscle for sacked governor Olusegun Agagu. He is believed to be close to the government of incumbent Gov, Olusegun Mimiko.
His political links and ‘easy release’ by the police have kick started a furore over the development.
Human rights canvassers have started a campaign for Ade to be arrested and prosecuted for ‘his acts against womanhood’. The opposition party Action Congress of Nigeria are stridently calling for his prosecution as well. And to worsen his case, same for the Ondo state Government.
Pictures of the assault victims
The government through the commissioner for information, Kayode Akinmade and Women Affairs, Olayinka Alabi maintains ‘all those responsible will not go unpunished’
The pressure these public furore have brought to bear on the case is said to have forced the police to begin a fresh move to arrest Ade Basket. He is said to be trying to tap into his wealth of influence to dodge arrest and prosecution at press time. (Society Now)

26 November, 2011

Dim Odimegwu Ojukwu is Dead

Dim Odimegwu Ojukwu is Dead

26 Nov 2011
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Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu

Former biafran leader and leader of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) Dim Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu is dead.
Thisday can confirm that he died late last night. He had been sick for a while and was receiving treatment at a united Kingdom (UK) hospital.More to follow . . .

Ojukwu was born in Zungeru, Northern Nigeria in 1933. His father, Sir Louis Phillipe Odumegwu Ojukwu was a wealthy businessman who made money from the transport industry. Ojukwu was sent to the UK at the age of 13 to study, first at Epsom College and later at Lincoln College, Oxford University where he earned a Masters degree in History.
Upon his return in 1956, he joined the civil service in then Eastern Nigeria. He would later leave the service to join the military, where he was one of the few university graduates.
Ojukwu was appointed Military Governor of Eastern Nigeria by Military Head of State, General Aguiyi Ironsi on January 17, 1966. By May of the same year, Nigeria was facing a serious crisis. A planned pogrom in Northern Nigeria targeting and killing South-easterners presented a problem. He made several assurances to the South-easterners about their safety but the crisis continued.  In May 1967, he declared Eastern Nigeria a Sovereign State named Biafra.
In July, 1967, then Head of State Yakubu Gowon declared war on Biafra. A civil war ensued. The war raged on for another 30 months. An attempt at peace during a meeting at Aburi, Ghana did not stop the war. In 1970, Ojukwu handed over power to his deputy Major-General Phillip Effiong and left the country to avoid assassination. He was granted political asylum in Cote D'Ivoire by President Felix Houphöet-Biogny.
The civilian President of Shehu Shagari granted him an official pardon and he returned in 1982 after 13 years in exile. Ojukwu would later go into politics, forming the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA). He was an active member until his death

12 November, 2011

Politici corrotti istigano all’odio religioso

Politici corrotti istigano all’odio religioso  e sfruttano i Boko Haram

Un comunicato di ACS-Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre sulle recenti violenze nel Nord della Nigeria. Il testo contiene dichiarazioni del vescovo di Maiduguri, monsignor Oliver Dashe Doeme, e del nunzio apostolico monsignor Augustine Kasujja.

 «I veri responsabili delle violenze e degli spargimenti di sangue nel Nord della Nigeria sono alcuni politici corrotti che istigano all’odio religioso». A dichiararlo ad Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre è monsignor Oliver Dashe Doeme, vescovo di Maiduguri, capitale dello Stato nigeriano del Borno, che punta il dito anche contro le forze dell’ordine, «incapaci di difendere i cittadini». In una conversazione telefonica con ACS, il presule ha accusato le autorità locali di sfruttare le divisioni religiose interne per destabilizzare il clima e spodestare il governo. «L’amministrazione locale ha fortemente deluso la popolazione – racconta – consentendo gravi violazioni e minando la sicurezza stessa dei cittadini».

Nell’ultimo fine settimana, la serie di attentati del gruppo islamista «Boko Haram» ha provocato più di 100 morti. Epicentro delle violenze sono state la città di Damaturu e il vicino villaggio di Patiskum, in cui gli estremisti si sono scontrati con la polizia e hanno fatto esplodere numerosi ordigni in diverse moschee e chiese. Tra queste, quella di S. Mary a Damaturu, che venerdì è stata colpita da una bomba e ridotta in macerie. Il parroco e il vice-parroco, don James John e don Allan, hanno raccontato a monsignor Doeme di essersi messi in salvo appena prima dell’esplosione. «Era una delle chiese più grandi della nostra diocesi – ha detto il presule - capace di contenere migliaia di persone. Ed ora è rimasta solo la cenere». Domenica scorsa la comunità si è dovuta riunire per la Messa in una sala parrocchiale.

Quella di S. Mary è il quinto edificio religioso colpito in soli otto mesi. Ad aprile è stata attaccata la cattedrale di Maiduguri e tre mesi dopo alcuni uffici della curia e l’alloggio dei sacerdoti. Il quarto episodio tre settimane quando una chiesa è stata incendiata da alcuni giovani.

«I giovani della regione sono reclutati con facilità dai gruppi estremisti – spiega il vescovo ad ACS - a causa della grave condizione di povertà e di disoccupazione e del basso livello d’istruzione».

Molti estremisti riescono ad infiltrarsi anche nei corpi di polizia, aggravando la criticità della situazione. «Se le forze dell’ordine fossero intervenute prima, molte persone avrebbero potuto salvarsi – afferma monsignor Dome – ma molti degli attentatori erano proprio membri della sicurezza». Il presule chiama in causa la responsabilità di alcuni politici – «di cui non posso fare i nomi» – che si servono dei Boko Haram per perseguire i propri interessi. «Le autorità permettono ai fondamentalisti islamici di comprare le armi e fomentano l’odio interconfessionale. La religione – conclude – è un argomento molto delicato in Nigeria ed è molto facile scatenare nuove tensioni». Secondo il presule, il fine ultimo è quello di cacciare i cristiani dal Paese – oppure convertirli con la forza – per riuscire a imporre la legge coranica.

Dopo gli scontri dei giorni scorsi e le minacce di nuovi attentati da parte dei Boko Haram, la Chiesa chiede al Governo maggiore sicurezza. E il nunzio apostolico, monsignor Augustine Kasujja, in una recente intervista ha espresso ad ACS-Italia estrema preoccupazione per le violazioni alla libertà religiosa che si verificano frequentemente in Nigeria, specie nel Nord del Paese. «La comunità internazionale – ha detto il rappresentante pontificio – deve incoraggiare il governo nigeriano ad accogliere nell’ordinamento interno le norme e le convenzioni internazionali, facendole aderire alla Costituzione».

27 October, 2011

Ambassador Saidu Pindar dies in car crash in Kaduna State

August 31, 2011


On 31 August, Alhaji Saidu Shettima Pindar, Nigeria’s pioneer Ambassador to Sao Tome and Principe, died a car accident. The accident occurred on the Kaduna-Zaria road in Kaduna State.
Details of the accident are yet to be confirmed, but sources said he was traveling to Kano at the time he died. One source said the accident was caused by the bad condition of some spots on the road, but this too, had not been verified.
Ambassador Pindar was born in Biu, Biu Local Government Area of Borno State, on 19 August 1954. He obtained an Electrical Engineering Diploma from Kaduna Polytechnic in 1976, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, in 1980, and subsequently a Master’s Degree in Communication Engineering from the University of Manchester’s Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in United Kingdom.
He started his working life with the Borno State Civil Service, rising to become the Director of Engineering/Chief Engineer at the Borno Radio and Television (BRTV) before transferring to the Federal Civil Service in 1987.

In October 1998, he was posted to the Embassy of Nigeria, Rome, Italy, as Minister-Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary. While on that post, he received commendations from the Italian Ministry of Interior, the Italian Immigration and Frontier Service and a Christian NGO for his commitment towards combating human trafficking and for his compassionate treatment of trafficked Nigerians.

In 2000, he was appointed Nigeria’s pioneer Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome & Principe. At that post, he was credited with contributing immensely to the ratification of the Treaty establishing the Nigeria-Sao Tome & Principe Joint Development Zone (JDZ). He voluntarily retired from the Federal Civil Service after 32 years of public service. In 2004, he was conferred with a National Honour, Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON).

Even in retirement, he remained active in private business as well as in political and public life. He was the founder and promoter of Maitama Amusement Park, a leisure and entertainment centre situated in the high brow Maitama district of Abuja. He was also the Executive Chairman of Subotech Engineering Ltd, a company supplying and installing broadcast equipment nationwide.

Politically, he was a member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). In October 2009, he was appointed by then President Umaru Yar’Adua, into the board of the Nigeria-Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development Authority (NSTP-JDA). He was later the deputy governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Borno State in the April 2011 general elections, but his party did not win.

Ambassador Pindar was a member of several professional bodies, including the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
He was a founding member of the Biu Emirate Development Association (BEDA) and also the Biu Forum. In recognition of his contributions to the development of Biu Emirate, HRH Alhaji Umar Mustapha Aliyu, the Emir of Biu elevated him from the position of Jarma of Biu to Waziri of Biu in January 2005.

A philanthropist, he sponsored hundreds of students in various schools in Borno, Yobe and Bauchi State under the Shettima Pindar Foundation.
He was happily married and blessed with children.
In a condolence message to the late ambassador’s family, Borno State Governor Kashim Shettima expressed shock over the unfortunate incident. He described the late Pindar as a visionary, humble and de-tribalized man, who dedicated his life to the cause of transforming not only Borno State, but the Nigerian nation.

15 October, 2011


A reader of Africanews.it has sent us an email with this open letter to the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan. We publish it here below. These are his own views and we have no responibility in it.


Dear Mr President,
after a period of hesitation, I decide to write you for an important issue that disturbs every responsible Nigerian.
I am sorry if you would have wanted it to be a private letter but I think that since it represents the preoccupation of many Nigerians, I should make it known to all. I must commence by saying that the situation of my dear country Nigeria does not surprise me.
For instance, already during the electoral campaign that brought you to power, I foresaw the impasse in which we were heading to and I started expressing my doubt on your capacity of running this complicated country. Mr President, from all indication, you could be a good candidate for a country, but I am afraid, it is not for a country like Nigeria.
It might sound hard to hear but your two great errors are hunting you and your regime.
Firstly, you had always counted on your good luck forgetting you do not run a county by luck. Though your good luck helped you to have a weak opposition and indecisive electorates who out of frustration and poverty went for any laudable candidate who you were it does not also permit to be more realistic and quick in action taking.
Your second and most important error is that you counted on the help of the party under which you ran your election but unfortunately the party has neither reputation nor scope.
My dear President, your downfall started just when you accepted to run for such a vital post under a political party without a determined manifesto and plan of action. When you accepted to run for such a post under a party that for more than a decade has ran Nigeria under a day to day planning, I knew the tenure was to be a moon dance like tenure.
Mr President, when you won this honourable post, I was among those who wanted to sit back and see where you will leading this country to, but seeing the pandemonium that is reigning in my beloved country; seeing that the labour of our heroes pas are trying to be in vain, I decided to write you as a loyal and humble citizen of one Republic of Nigeria.
I know that you might be more preoccupied than every other citizen of this country but I am thinking you are yet to understand well the situation of things in the nation. And what pains me most is that your Excellency has very few members of your crew who really are ready to help out matters in the present circumstance. However, I must state that you are not the cause of the Nigerian problem, but the right heir of a disorganized system.
His Excellency, I will not only blame you for your errors but I will also propose what could make your tenure a successful one. As you rightly know that the major problem of Nigeria is security, I must then say that there are situations that only when they are resolved the nation will know peace. However, I would not want to advice you on the matters of policy keeping and employment creation for you are surely aware they are necessities that every nation must redress.
Permit me to say that the techniques applied till now on the matters of crime fighting in Nigeria have not yielded enough fruit for reasons that are very simple.
In one of our last article, “Why neither FBI nor CIA might be able to help Nigeria resolve her security problem” We were trying to show why the differences in the duration of time necessary for the discovery of an author of a terrorist attack from one country to the other.
His Excellence, it occurs to me very often to ask myself why we spend huge amount of money buying helicopters and arms to fight those we do not know their identity? Do your security advisers ask themselves why proves of robbery and other crimes serve less in the identification of their perpetrators? How can one prove that a man whose birth was not registered and who has no electoral card exist? What does a finger print left on a dead body serve to the police who have no digital record of the citizens? How do you determine that a man declared death is dead in a country where there is no death registration? How can you know a citizen in a country where there is till now no National Identification Card? Does it occur to His Excellency that these are the secrets behind crime fighting? How many telephone numbers has an average Nigerian? How could the police trace a caller in a country where millions of telephone numbers are not registered and are changed as clothes?
Mr President, should I continue to mention the irregularities that mar the work of security agencies in Nigeria, it will never be exhausted.
All these and other related problems are the reasons that permit all sorts of evil in Nigeria, ranging from robbery, kidnapping, bombing and so on. And as long as there is no new redress of the system, there will be no progress in crime fighting.
Though I know it will take much to change the mentality of the people; though it might need many years of sensitization, I think it is a sin non qua non to crime fighting. Mr President, you might not be understood as you start this crusade but I think the nation need to be identified.
We need to register all new born babies obligatorily, we need to declare every death that occur in the nation, we need to have citizens that move about with their identity cards; citizens that identify themselves to the police at necessary checking points.
We need a country where the security agencies have dignity, a place where they know their duties and rights.
Finally, I would advise you, as a loyal and humble citizen of Nigeria, to be man enough to assume your office as the President elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
You should forget some of your friend who are not helping out matters in the building of the nation; you should abandon some outdated individuals who continue hunting your tenure. Call it your duty to make a history or tarnish the image of the nation by remaining inactive and insensible to the national plight.
Thanks Mr President as you make the best decision of your tenure in listening or not listening to this plea.

Yours faithful and humble citizen,
ALI Nnaemeka Cornelius.

13 October, 2011

Nigerian Immigration Service And Beneficiaries Of Harvested Human Spare Parts

By EKAIWE IGINUA OSEMWEKHA Last updated: 10/13/2011

ON the 22 September, 2011, the New Comptroller of Immigration, Edo State Command paid a courtesy visit to the Benin Monarch.

He intimated the monarch of the new wild dimension in human trafficking to include the harvesting of human kidney of illegal immigrants in a bid to making a living in Europe and other developed countries of the world.

For the Europeans who have been undergoing diaralaces without a donor of kidney, it is the best development that can happen in their demand of stay alive.

The Boko Haram syndicates affiliated to Al’Quada are systematically gathering steam of acceptability by some traditional rulers who gave land to them without suspecting their sinister motives. This Islamic extremist could eventually constitute themselves into an army of suicide attacks on the humdingers in the society.

The borders of Nigeria with Chad Republic, Niger and Camerouns are very porous, thus creating an easy passage way for some Al’Queda militants who are anti American and the United Nations.
These people have been brain washed to believe that for any successful attack made on western civilization and education, create an Ode to heavenly acceptability
The immigration also frown at the trafficking on children and women. A palace chief who will like to remain anonymous said; “Many children those days have been forced into unwanted labour due to poverty while some people are now bluffing with unmerited wealth stolen from state allocations. So, this type of restrained inequality is the driving force for under age labour.

Some European countries and America are enjoying prosperity, while hundreds of millions of Africans live in abject indigent.
God had created a universal world of great prosperity. The United Nation records states that some countries cannot consume all their products and it was estimated that in 2004, the aggregate total value of goods and services input in that year alone exceeds $65 trillion. If we are to spread this by aggregate world income per capital, it will amount to approximately $9,000 for every individual now living in this planet earth.

This so-called universal prosperity is a clog in the wheel of progress for mankind. With reference to the recent article by the United Nations, the money in the hands of just three persons is more than the aggregate gross domestic product of the forty eight most impoverished countries. It stated that many poor individuals eke a living by surviving on just $2 daily. Millions of those people have no access to portable drinking water and cannot afford one square meal a day.

The hazards posed by migrant Fulani cattle rearers who might have links with Boko Haram and Al’Queda cannot be under-estimated. In a bid to exploring areas for grazing their animals they move from the nook and crannies across the state. And in the course of this endless migration, the animals defecate in all their foot path.
Researchers have proved that animals waste contain similar bacterial as human waste. So, indiscriminate dump of cattle waste by the river bank could fast track bacterial mobility – to water consumers in the rustic environment.
About 80% of population today is without safe dependable water and the consequences are enormous. No fewer than a thousand people are killed annually through water related diseases, such as Bihazzia which afflict so many people, Filariases the world biggest causes of blindness affecting so many people in the northern parts of the country. Dysentery, cholera and typoid continues to destroy human lives. Contaminated water is usually responsible for the menance of those disastrous bacterials.

It had been confirmed by experts in their survey of many delvoeping countries that about 95% of all infant mortality could be avoided through safe water utility and refuse disposal by keeping our cattles in approved cattle ranches across the country.
Retrospectively,the Benin female youths and adults were becoming notorious by jumping Italian Immigraiton regulations. Their major concen was to join the band wagon of the successful Roman prostitutes. They were oblivious of the health hazards of such venture and many of them became afflicted with diverse sexual infections. So, many did not live to enjoy the so-called money they had acquired.

However, it should be abundantly clear that the Benin man is a very proud man and do not encourage their women to live such lives which is antitetical with our cultural valure.

In our youthful days, it was a taboo for a stranger to cross the leg of a married women seating down on a mat nor can a none member of the royal family touch the wrapper of the king.
So, when a Benin woman weds according to our native law and custom, it is a congregational prayer that God and our ancestors should join husband and wife as partners, that will become a shinning example to others who are yet to go into this life long institution and not to become a Roman prostitute.

When the senate president, Senator David mark, paid a courtesy visit to the Benin Moanrch on the 23rd September, 2011, he made a postivie remarks about the pragmatic actions taken by the Nigeiran Ambassador to Italy, Crown Prince eheneden Eradiauwa towards changing the negativ image of the Ngierian girls in Italy.

We are quite optimistic that before his tenure elapses there would be positive changes about the life style of our girls in italy.

13 August, 2011

Duncan Mighty - Sanko Love

11 August, 2011

Corporate accountability | Amnesty International

Corporate accountability

Stop corporate abuse in the Niger Delta

Corporations frequently exploit the weak regulatory systems in many poor countries, making people living in poverty some of the most vulnerable to corporate human rights abuses.
People living in the oil-producing areas of Nigeria’s Niger Delta have seen their human rights undermined by an industry that their government cannot or will not hold to account. Oil pollution has damaged traditional livelihoods such as fishing and agriculture, put people’s health at risk and undermined access to safe food and clean water. Many victims have not had access to justice or redress.
2623 Actions taken
Clean up the oil industry in the Niger Delta
Urge Nigeria’s newly-elected President to commit to a comprehensive clean-up of pollution in the Niger Delta. His public support will push the oil industry to address the devastating impact of their bad practice.
The Nigerian government has a duty to protect the people of the Niger Delta from the impact of pollution – tell the President to effectively regulate the oil industry.
Nigeria’s government must hold the oil companies to account. The oil companies must clean up their act.

Learn more about corporate accountability »

Amnesty International campaigns for stronger regulation of companies worldwide.

Corporate accountability | Amnesty International

07 August, 2011

Northen Nigerian leaders accused of supporting Boko Haram

Northen Nigerian leaders accused of supporting Boko Haram 
THURSDAY, 04 AUGUST 2011 16:3
The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), a northern ethno-political organisation has been accused of sponsoring terrorism perpetrated by the extremist Islamist group, Boko Haram.
Map of Nigeria
Map of Nigeria

The northern chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) made the accusation following the federal government’s decision to engage Boko Haram.

President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration asked members of the ACF and the Borno Elders Forum to engage Boko Haram in dialogue on behalf of other Nigerians.
Protesting against the decision to negotiate with Boko Haram, the secretary-general of the northern chapter of CAN, Saidu Dogo on Tuesday told journalists in Kaduna that the government had made a fundamental error.
“It is an exercise in futility because prominent northern leaders are behind the security challenges the nation now faces,” Dogo said.

“Where will these people (Boko Haram) get resources to buy explosives and chemicals and put them together to make bombs and start attacking innocent Nigerians?”
The accusations also followed reports that the federal government would assemble a committee comprising of ACF leaders to engage Boko Haram.
Dogo alleged that the same Arewa leaders that Jonathan had deployed for the talks were behind the armed group.

However, the secretary to the government of the federation (SGF), Chief Anyim Pius Anyim, speaking at the inauguration of the eight-man presidential committee on security challenges in the North-East zone said the government could not negotiate with Boko Haram because “it is a faceless organisation.”

The federal government said it established an eight-man committee not to have peace talks with Boko Haram but gather information from them.
“The purpose of the committee is not to negotiate with the Boko Haram sect,” Anyim was quoted as having said.

“This is because we cannot negotiate with people whom we do not know.
“This is not a negotiating thing, the committee is there to review all the issues of security challenges in the zone and proffer solutions or recommendations, which will bring a speedy resolution of the crisis.
“Negotiation may be after the report of the committee, if it is recommended that government should try to negotiate with the sect, then it may be considered.”
The committee has two weeks to submit its report to liaise with the National Security Adviser (NSA).
But Dogo argued that since the Boko Haram had listed its demands which were impossible to meet, especially adopting Shari’a law throughout Nigeria, the committee’s efforts were bound to fail.
“Why then do you start something that will end in futility? It is not going to work because they (Boko Haram) have their beliefs. That as long as the Nigerian nation exists, Sharia must be practiced and imbibed by everybody, which can never happen,” he said.
“What is the government going to negotiate with the sect? Would the government ask them to forget their Islamic belief?  To me, I feel that this is an exercise in futility. The government should not have constituted the committee.”

06 August, 2011


Nigeria è sentirsi kiamare ''aunt'' o ''mma'' dai ragazzini o addirittura dai cugini..è 


dalle risate x strada tra gli insulti degli autisti..è 

avere smp paura k qlc1 da 1mome all'altro t possa rubare qlcs aprendo la porta della makkina 

o addirittura semplicemnt dal finestrino..Nigeria

è avere smp 1torcia n borsa a causa della scarsità d NEPA..è1posto dv nn puoi camminare x 

strada snz cnquistare qlc1 -.-'

è1posto dv gli autobus hanno nomi legati a Dio! la Nigeria è dove la gente già dalle 6 d 

mattina   mette la musica cristiana a palla cosi da 
svegliare tt il vicinato -.-' è un luogo dove c è traffico anke tra i pedoni!

Jessica Ojinkeya)


29 May, 2011

Street Life in Lagos - Witness - Al Jazeera English

Street Life in Lagos - Witness - Al Jazeera English

Filmmaker: Joe Loncraine

Lagos, Nigeria's financial capital, is one of the fastest growing megacities on earth. Every day thousands of people arrive in the biggest city in Africa to start a new life and forge a new, better future. Many come from outside Nigeria.
Jean and Christian, both teachers, are from Benin. They came to Lagos to seek their fortunes and live and work in one of the most famous slums in Africa, Makoko. Here they take us on a journey of their adopted city, showing us the spirit of enterprise and survival that its residents need to make a living.

A canoe or a motorbike can make a huge difference, while those with a generator or those scavaging the rubbish heaps all try to get by in this tough, vibrant city.

Street Life in Lagos can be seen from Tuesday, May 24, at the following times GMT: Tuesday: 2230; Wednesday: 0930; Thursday: 0330; Friday: 1630; Saturday: 2230; Sunday: 0930; Monday: 0330; Tuesday: 1630.

15 May, 2011

07 May, 2011

Tears flow as Obi receives slain NYSC member

SOBBING pervaded Government House, Awka on Thursday evening at a special service for Mrs. Agnes Ezennadozie, a member of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, from Anambra State who was murdered during the post -presidential election riot in Bauchi.
The service drew a large crowd of sympathisers, many of whom were members of NYSC serving in Anambra State. The crowd waited for several hours to receive the body of Mrs. Ezeamaka which came by road through Onitsha.

Governor Peter Obi, who received the body at about 5.30 pm expressed sadness over what he called “intemperate exhibition of the passion of hate” by some Nigerians and appealed to the people to rediscover the virtues of peace as a way to achieve progress and development.

Obi regretted that the NYSC scheme, which was designed to be a veritable tool for national integration, had become a source of worry to some Nigerians because of the recent sad event that turned corps members into targets of attack by some disgruntled elements.

He said while it is good and patriotic to serve the nation, there is need to protect the people who have dedicated their lives to the service of their fatherland..
He called on the federal government not to abandon the families of the deceased because they paaid the supreme price in the course of service.

According to Obi, the only worthy legacy that could be left for the victims of the riots is for all, especially those who take active part in politics, to shun acts that tarnish the image of the country.

One of her colleagues, Mr. Eyisi Afamefuna from Adazi ani and with the call up number of NYSC/UNN/210/171993 expressed gratitude on behalf of the corps members on what he called the wonderful expression of love from Gov. Obi.

Eyisi said he was one of those who were brought back in the ANIDS vehicle sent by the governor and called for adequate compensation for the dead corps members.

The officiating priest, Rev. Fr. Godwin Okoye in his sermon described life as a gift from God and death a necessary end, adding that what matters in life is how well one lived and not how long

05 May, 2011


Mantova, 50enne fa esplodere casa per evitare lo sfratto e resta ucciso

Sei i feriti nell'esplosione, erano i carabinieri e i pompieri che lo dovevano tirare fuori

foto Ansa21:39 - Una persona è morta e sei sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un'esplosione avvenuta in un appartamento a Castiglione delle Stiviere, in provincia di Mantova. A perdere la vita un 50enne di origine nigeriana che ha fatto volontariamente esplodere la casa. L'uomo doveva essere sfrattato e per questo si era asserragliato nell'appartamento. Sul posto sono giunti i carabinieri e i vigili del fuoco per eseguire lo sfratto: sei di loro sono rimasti feriti.
Si era asserragliato in casa da alcuni giorni per non farsi sfrattare. Quando sul posto sono arrivati i carabinieri e i vigili del fuoco per applicare il provvedimento, il cinquantenne ha provocato un'esplosione, forse con una bombola del gas, che lo ha ucciso e ha ferito, in modo non grave, tre vigili del fuoco e due carabinieri.

E' successo a Castiglione delle Stiviere, in un appartamento che si trova in un vicolo a fianco del Duomo, in pieno centro cittadino. La zona è transennata e i carabinieri non fanno avvicinare nessuno, mentre i vigili del fuoco e i tecnici del Comune stanno valutando i danni provocati agli appartamenti e agli edifici vicini.

Non è ancora chiaro se sia stato l'inquilino a fare esplodere la bombola del gas o se avesse da tempo saturato l'ambiente di gas, provocando l'esplosione non appena qualcuno ha suonato il campanello e provocato una scintilla. Quando i soccorritori hanno raggiunto l'alloggio, dopo che l'esplosione aveva investito i tre vigili de fuoco e i due carabinieri, hanno trovato il cinquantenne morto, sotto le macerie.

20 April, 2011

How BBC caused crisis in the North

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION FALLOUT: North boils *Vice-President Sambo's family house torched in Zaria *Na'Abba's, Tofa's, Salisu Buhari's houses razed in Kano *Emir of Kano's palace, Gov Lamido's company burnt *How BBC caused crisis in the North
Written by Kola Oyelere, Hassan Ibrahim, Ishola Michael, Isaac Shobayo and Dipo Laleye
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

THERE were violent reactions, on Monday, across the northern part of the country to the result of Saturday's presidential election, which saw the Peoples Democratic Party's (PDP's) candidate, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, emerge as the winner.

People demonstrate in Nigeria's northern city of Kano where running battles broke out between protesters and soldiers on April 18. A new outbreak of post-poll rioting in northern Nigeria left many dead overnight, the Red Cross said, after President Goodluck Jonathan appealed for unity following his win.
(AFP/File/Seyllou Diallo)


The reactions left in their wake burnt houses of prominent politicians, including Vice-President Namadi Sambo in Zaria, Kaduna State; Jigawa State governor, Alhaji Sule Lamido; former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ghali Umar Na'Abba and former presidential candidate, Alhaji Bashir Tofa. The palace of the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, was also reportedly torched.

Also, a company, said to belong to Governor Lamido was vandalised.

Elsewhere, public places were reportedly vandalised and burnt with a number of people killed in protest against the alleged manipulation of the presidential election result in favour of President Jonathan against Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (retd), the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) candidate, who is from the North.

The youth, whose ages were put between 15 and 20, had alleged manipulation of the result of Saturday's presidential election in favour of the PDP and the perceived connivance of some northern politicians with President Jonathan to stop Major-General Buhari.

Some churches in the Badawa and Na'bawa areas were burnt down, by the youth, who later attempted to attack the Kano State Government House before they were dispersed by security agents, who fired gunshots sporadically for about 10 minutes.

Curfew in Kano, Kaduna
Meanwhile, the Kaduna State government, on Monday, imposed a 24-hour curfew to prevent the youth from causing further havoc in the state capital.

The youth, according to reports, had targeted chieftains of the PDP in the state capital who had to run away with their families for dear life.

In the northern part of the Kaduna metropolis, some places of worship were torched as thick dark smoke billowed into the sky for several hours.

Many people, especially non-indigenes and their families, had since run away to police or army barracks to seek refuge.

Foodstuffs are already becoming scarce, as shops and nearby markets cannot open due to the crisis.

As the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) announced that President Jonathan was leading, aggrieved youths in the Tudun Wada area started to heckle PDP supporters and in the process, burnt a famous eatery on the Nnamdi Azikiwe Way-Abuja Road.

Two houses of a local council chairman in the Kabala Costain area were razed while his whereabouts could not be ascertained at the time of filing this report.

Staunch PDP members in Tudun Wada and adjoining Unguwan Sanusi (names withheld) had to run away, as the mob razed their buildings and vandalised property.

Unconfirmed reports had it that innocent persons were injured as a result of attacks with crude weapons by the Yantauri, those believed to have spiritual protection from knife cuts and other metallic objects.

Although the violence continued to spread to several areas in Kaduna, small planes and helicopters that hovered in the sky scared many of the hoodlums, who scampered and hid to avoid being detected by the security men on surveillance.

The Kaduna State government said it had imposed a 24-hour curfew on the state and all security agencies, including the military, had been ordered to enforce it.

According to reports, in Zaria, several people were reportedly killed in the crisis and a Baptist Church in the city was razed.

The rampaging youth torched the family home of Vice President Namadi Sambo located at the Tudun Wada area of the city.

According to reports, the prison in Zaria was broken by hoodlums but the warders and other security agents had intensified effort to salvage the situation.

Meanwhile, armoured tanks were deployed by the military authorities to strategic parts of the state and combined unit of the police, Civil Defence Corps and other security agents intensified patrol to make sure that people observe the curfew imposed on the state.

In Angwar Romi and Sabo areas of the state capital, youths armed with machetes, cudgels and other dangerous weapons mounted roadblocks and searched vehicles. One of them, who declined to identify himself, said the search was aimed at checking the importation of bombs and other dangerous arms and explosives into their areas by would-be terrorists who might want to take advantage of the crisis to wreak havoc.

The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Kaduna, had in announcements continued to urge the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Hafiz Ringim and the other security agencies to take prompt action in order to bring the situation under control.

The commercial centre of the state capital, Ahmadu Bello Way, as well as the Sheikh Gumi Central Market, remained locked while commercial banks were closed to customers.

Governor Patrick Yakowa said in a live broadcast to the people, that following the outbreak of violence in some areas, the government had imposed a 24-hour curfew on the entire state.

He, however, said for no justifiable reasons, groups of persons in some parts of the state decided to resort to violence and wanton destruction of life and property since Sunday night.

Yakowa said in order to defuse the rising tension and following the advice of the security council, the state government decided to restrict the movement of persons, adding that "the security agencies have been directed to enforce this decision in order to protect the life and property of all law-abiding citizens of our dear state."

He appealed to the people of the state to remain law abiding, calm and stay at home until normalcy returned.

Meanwhile, calm is gradually returning to the city, as people remain indoors, but gunshots were heard from the Camp road/Almannar area of Kaduna GRA where, according to reports, attempts were made by the rampaging youths to torch the family home of the vice-president.

An indefinite curfew has been imposed in and around Kano, following the outbreak of violence which erupted in the commercial city, resulting in the death of no fewer than two persons.

The Kano State Commissioner of Police, Dan'azumi Doma, announced the emergency security measure, after a meeting of heads of security agencies.

The police commissioner said the curfew would be in force until further notice, while warning residents of Kano to remain indoors, as anybody found violating the curfew would be arrested and prosecuted.

"We have imposed an indefinite curfew in Kano State with immediate effect. So all law-abiding citizens are advised, in their own interest, to go to their respective homes and wait for further notice," he said.

As early as 8.00 a.m, on Monday, thousands of irate youths took to the streets, burning homes and mounting roadblocks on some major roads across the city, forcing residents to run for their lives.

In most parts of Kano city, especially Hotoro, Badawa, Sharada, Na'ba-wa, and Dakata, the aggrieved youth attacked homes of some supposed pro-Jonathan politicians, in what was now believed to be a clear case of post-election violence.

A combined team of police and army had been drafted to all streets in the state capital, while the situation remained tense, as most streets were empty and businesses under lock and key.
Activities paralysed in Gombe

Also in Gombe, supporters of the CPC, mainly youths, continued their violent activities and burnt down structures belonging to PDP stalwarts as well as government structures and places of worship around the town, killing one policeman in the process.

A divisional police officer of one of the police divisions was also wounded and was currently receiving treat-ment at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Gombe.

An eyewitness disclosed that Abuja Quarters was the worst hit, as the rampaging youth targeted the private residence of the state governor, Muhammad Danjuma Goje, as well as houses of other PDP stalwarts in the area, chanting Nigeria sai Buhari.

The youth, who were in their hundreds, carried different sizes of weapons with which they unleashed terror on their victims, a development that made people to desert the streets and went back to their respective homes for cover.

Speaking with the Nigerian Tribune on the phone, the state police commissioner, Suleiman Lawal, said "the situation is under control now, as we have been able to get the irate youth off the streets and normalcy is gradually returning to the town but the restriction of movement from one place to the other remains in order to check the activities of the youth."

Lawal, however, said the rampaging youth could not gain entrance into the Government House as planned, neither were they able to get anywhere close to the private residence of the governor, adding that, "we are on top of the situation, there is no cause for any alarm."

At the time of this report, there were no plans to impose a curfew in the state but the commissioner said the stay at home order would remain in force until normalcy fully returned.

Taskforce curtails protest in Jos
The Special Military Task Force (STF) in charge of security in Plateau State and the police averted a protest by irate youth on Monday over the outcome of the presidential election, held on Saturday.

As the results were being collated and it was discovered that the incumbent President Jonathan was leading, youths in predominantly Hausa/Fulani parts of Jos, precisely Bauchi Road, Nasarawa and Masalaci areas, trooped out in large numbers to protest the results being released.

Nigerian Tribune learnt that the youth, armed with weapons, barricaded the areas and lit bonfire along the roads to prevent free flow of movement.

It was learnt that on getting wind of the protest, the STF, led by its commander, Brigadier-General Hassan Umaru, mobilised to the scenes of the protests to arrest the situation.

Speaking with the Nigerian Tribune, STF Public Relations Officer, Captain Charles Ekeocha, who said the cause of the protest was yet to be ascertained, stated that some youths suddenly trooped out at about 10.00 a.m, claiming to be protesting.

Ekeocha, who said the force was able to tactically force the youth to retreat, added that security men had taken over the affected areas and were now patrolling to avoid any breakdown of law and order.

Gov Aliyu calls for peace
The Niger State governor, Dr Mu'azu Babangida Aliyu, on Monday, pleaded with the people of the state to give peace a chance and accept the results of the presidential election "as the will of Allah."

Aliyu's call came as markets, shops and public offices were hurriedly closed in Minna, Suleja, Bida and Kontagora, as protesters took to the streets in disagreement with the victory of President Jonathan.

At least five cars, one motorcycle and four places of worship were reportedly burnt in Minna, even as bonfires were lit along the major streets in the state capital.

One of the monuments under construction by the state government in the Kpakungu area of Minna was also burnt by the protesters.

A policeman, who had just closed from duty and was entering his house, was attacked and was battered, even as the hand of a staff member of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) was chopped off.

Following the inability of the police to contain the situation, heavily armed soldiers were deployed to maintain law and order in all these towns.

No fewer than eight persons who were throwing stones from buildings in the Kpakungu area were arrested and taken to the police headquarters.

The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Richard Oguche, confirmed the unrests, saying "a large number of arrests have been made."

Jonathan warns perpetrators
President Jonathan has called on those involved in the violence to desist forthwith from the acts, in the interest of peace and stability in the country.

In an address to the people of the country, on Monday, President Jonathan expressed sadness at the occurrence and urged political leaders to prevail on their supporters to stop the riots.

According to the statement, "I have received with great sadness the news of sporadic unrests in some parts of the country, which are not unconnected with last Saturday's elections.

"I appeal to those involved to stop this unnecessary and avoidable conduct, more so at this point in time when a lot of sacrifice has been made by all the citizens of this great country in ensuring the conduct of free and fair elections."

Jonathan noted the positive comments of local and international observers on the integrity of the just-concluded presidential election, which the PDP won and restated that no political ambition was worth the blood of any Nigerian.

"All of us are further encouraged by the comments of the independent election monitors and observers, both domestic and international, on how transparent and credible the elections have been so far.

"Therefore, it is with the deepest sense of responsibility that I call on all our political leaders, especially the contestants, to appeal to their supporters to stop further violence in the interest of stability, peace and well-being of this great country," Jonathan said.

IGP vows to apprehend perpetrators
Meanwhile, The Inspector Gene-ral of Police, Hafiz Ringim, has blamed the riots and violence in some parts of the North in the aftermath of the presidential election on groups and persons that have refused to accept defeat in the election.

Ringim also said the violence was neither ethnic nor religiously-motivated, vowing to apprehend the perpetrators.

A statement from Ringim on Monday said: "the spate of violence is being engineered by persons who failed to accept the results of the last election.

"The security agencies are in the process of identifying and arresting the perpetrators behind this mindless mischief across the country."

How BBC caused crisis in the North
Meanwhile, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Hausa Service had been blamed for the riots and confusion in Adamawa State, following its alleged broadcast that the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, had won the election in Adamawa State, when the electoral commission in the state was still collating results.

The Special Adviser to the Adamawa State Governor, Aminu Iyawa, told journalists that the BBC broadcast was orchestrated to cause mischief and chaos. He said violence erupted after the electoral commission announced Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP as winner in the state.
