Lessons from Israel story,
Lessons from Singapore story ,
Lessons from China story,
Lessons from Ethiopia Story,
Lessons from Rwanda story, Etc.
The truth is that God is for everyone and every nation. If anyone or Nation believes in God, and does his will or not, blessings and curses are all promises, as was written in the Bible . The book of Deuteronomy, clarified, that depending on what is the desire and attendant determination and action of anyone or nation, blessings or curses will be a reward.
A good read of the small book "The start-up Nation" will give you an in dept graphic analysis of the mind of the Israelis, actions and their firm determination to succeed in spite of all odds. Their achievements are unprecedented.
I always believe that Isreal rules the world, and not America. A check on the key leaders of Government establishments, economic sectors and Policy makers in America in every successive Government in America, are Jewish extractions. Out of 20 richest families or Organizations in America, more than half are Jewish.
The same story of success goes of any one or any nation or tribe that makes success and determined exploitation of infinite possibilities a reality.
The Igbo's also have the same spirit to succeed in spite of all difficulties. However, they lack the appropriate ingredients to succeed as a people, and can only thrive as individuals.
A trial on collective success by the Igbos, as a people during the Nigeria civil war has left no one in doubt about our ingenuity and resilience.
The lesson from the speech of Israeli Prime minster, Benjamin as forwarded by Maria, is instructive. The same instructive lesson wraps around Singapore that started with nothing after they were sent packing from Malaysia, also Ethiopia repeatedly ravaged by famine and drought laced with internal strife and sessions, but now on the trajectory to success, Rwanda with ethnic cleansing and pogrom, has quickly put their past behind and under the able leadership of President Paul Kagame and his decided followers, Rwanda is now recorded as one of fastest developing nation in Africa. South Korea and other Asian Tigers are good lessons also, where determined action were blessed by God. Even the Arab nations who some of us think are Godless, have not only transformed from deserts to places of our cherished place of vacation(like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, etc) to owners of notable edifices and business conglomerate world over through purchases with their Sovereign Wealth Fund. God is still in the business of blessing to Nations that determinedly take appropriate action.
Any person, nation or people can take up any situation or challenge as a stepping stone to produce unparalleled history of resilience doggedness and exemplary success.
God in his infinite intelligence has give us, all we need. It is then our responsibilities to use it to create our story. Deuteronomy 8:28 - God's gift of the power to create wealth in order to demonstrate his covenant
We will create our wonderful story, and all the glory will go to God, who exemplified or modelled it in Isreal! 😀
Cheers every one and happy new year!!
Manzi Clement Ebere.
(reaction in a whatsapp group copied and unedited,to a speech purported to have been made by the Israeli Prime minister on the progress of his nation)
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