10 August, 2008



The United Nations has confirmed per the Human Rights Committee judgment in the case of the exiled Ambazonian Head of State 'Gorji-Dinka –v- Cameroon': (a) that the Cameroon Restoration Law 84/01 dissolved the French and English speaking Cameroon Union created in 1961; (b) that it restored the French nation back as the republic of Cameroon while English speaking Cameroon took its native name Ambazonia; (c) that thereafter, Cameroon presence in Ambazonia is indeed an act of continuing aggression which must be terminated. The Committee's judgment inter alia reads… "As a result of the subjugation of Ambazonians, whose human rights were allegedly severely violated by members of the Franco-Cameroon armed forces, as well as militia groups, riots broke out In 1993, prompting parliament to enact the Restoration law 84/01, which dissolved the Union of the two countries. The author then became head of the "Ambazonian Restoration Council" and published several articles, which called on President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroon to comply with the Restoration Law and to withdraw from Ambazonia."

[Excerpt from ICCPR Communication # 1134/2002]



(Sketch Map # 1)

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On the dispute over the Bakassi Peninsular, both Cameroon and Nigeria conceded at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that the peninsular belongs to neither of them but to Ambazonia ex British Southern Cameroons). The ICJ judgment reads: …."Republic of Cameroon points out that the map attached to the report of the United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner shows that the Bakassi Peninsular formed part of the Victoria South West plebiscite district in the Southwest corner of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). This would show that the peninsular was recognized by the United Nations as being part of the Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia)" {excerpt 2002 ICJ judgment paragraph. 210.

"Nigeria on its part….claims to have acted in self-defense. It further contends that if the Court should find that Cameroon has sovereignty over these areas, the Nigeria presence there was a result of 'reasonable mistake." ICJ paragraph 311. The ICJ accordingly ruled:….. "Nigeria is under an obligation expeditiously and without condition to withdraw its administration and its military and its police forces from the areas of Lake Chad which fall within Cameroon's sovereignty and from the Bakassi Peninsular." ICJ paragraph 314

Nigeria withdrew from the Lake Chad area and 37 villages reverted to Cameroon administration without such thing as a Greentree Agreement! In like manner, Nigeria is to withdraw from the Bakassi peninsular and it would revert to Ambazonian administration; which would be set up by the exiled Ambazonian Head of State either with the help of the United Nations peace keeping force or with some alternative security arrangements, while waiting for the Cameroon President Biya to withdraw from the Ambazonian mainland in compliance with commitments which the United Nations Secretary General Koffi Annan flew to Cameroon in January 2005 and obtained from him which reads: " I President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroon do here by in a bid to provide lasting peace to the Bakassi conflict, commit myself and my government to respect the territorial boundaries of my country as obtained at independence."

This is a self incriminating admission that Ambazonia is not part of Cameroon, but a sovereign state; and that Cameroon's occupation of Ambazonia is a source of the Bakassi conflict. That for lasting peace in Bakassi, Cameroon must withdraw from Ambazonia. Yet by the June 12, 2006 Greentree Agreement, Nigeria offers to giver Cameroon the very Bakassi Peninsular which by their admission and the ICJ judgment belongs to Ambazonia. Now as reported in the Nigeria's authoritative news 'BusinessDay" of May 21, 2008, Nigeria former Attorney General and Ad hoc ICJ Judge, Honorable Ajiobola's testimony at Nigeria's Congressional hearing is that the agreement to alter the ICJ judgment was procured with a Cameroon bribe of $300 billion oil bloc. ://www.businessdayonline.com/analysis/comments/10089.html?print

Did the UN Secretary General, and the Ambassadors of the USA, UK, France and Germany, (all whom as witnesses became the "Follow-up Committee") endorse this illegal and fraudulent alteration of the ICJ judgment, as accomplices; or were they duped to believing (as stated in Article 7 of the Greentree Agreement) that it sets modalities for implementing the judgment? The use of the Office of the United Nations Secretary General to alter the judgment of the ICJ sets a very damaging precedence; and the United Nations Secretary General is under an obligation to urgently set the records right by initiating the process of correcting the agreement to conform to the judgment it sets out to implement.

The good news is that the wrongful insertion of Cameroon in place of Ambazonia in the agreement has raised a fundamental dispute as to whether the document sets out modalities for implementing the ICJ judgment or it sets out to alter the said judgment? But then an alteration of the Court judgment which is not done by the Court itself is of null and void effect. For, by operation of law, the terms of judgment apply to the total preclusion of the alteration intended; that is to say, the ICJ Judgment that Bakassi Peninsular belongs to Ambazonia makes the Greentree Agreement read 'Ambazonia' in the place of 'Cameroon' wherever mentioned.

The Follow-up Committee members would acquit themselves of active complicity in the fraudulent alteration of ICJ judgment if and only if they, even by a simple majority, adopt the correction which is deemed to have been made to the agreement by operation of law. And so the making of Republic of Cameroon party to the Greentree Agreement has created a dispute within the meaning of Article 6.2 of the said Agreement which read as follows… "The Follow-up Committee shall settle any dispute regarding the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement." http://www.un.org/unowa/cnmc/preleas/sgstmts.htm#greentreehttp://www.un.org/unowa/cnmc/preleas/sgstmts.htm#greentree

The true parties to the Greentree Agreement are Nigeria and Ambazonia as sketch map below shows (map# 2)


(Sketch Map# 2)

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    Edwin N. Ngang

    Ambazonia Information Bureau ;

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